Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Good Dental and Vision Coverage

Good dental coverage does not necessarily need to be 'insurance'. Either does any other kind of health coverage. Today, there are top notch companies, nationwide, offering deeply discounted services that cover a multitude of healthcare needs. Right now, there is one company that is offering the deepest discounts around. It is Ameriplan USA and has been in business for over 17 years, providing excellent coverage to people who need services such as; dental, vision, chiropractic, prescription, xrays, bloodwork and many other ancillary services.

There are over 33,000 dental providers across the country who have signed with Ameriplan USA. The service provided is called a DMPO (Discount Medical Plan Organization) and is a network based discount plan.

The vision plan coverage includes lasik providers, along with coast to coast vision centers that operate under a company known as Qualsight. Ameriplan can save their members up to 50% off of the national average costs. So, a person can save over $900 PER EYE on lasik procedures.

They are also affiliated with Frames Direct and can make getting glasses alot less expensive, even on designer frames.

See the provider search to check for providers in your area:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to Protect Yourselves in Today's Way of Life

If you are thinking about getting your family protected against Identity Theft, you will want to review this report.

There are many different ways your personal information can be sacrificed. Crooks are everywhere stealing stuff from banks, credit cards, wallets or wherever there might be an opportunity for them to take what's most precious to you and your loved ones.

There are companies that are beginning to pop up, offering various versions of Personal Protection plans. Some focus directly on the client to lawyer relationship while others have inclusive packages that can completely cover a full range of these safety issues.

A major national healthcare company will be premiering their newest addition to their plans by adding their first ever non-healthcare plan that will be able to cover people and protect them when they need a lawyer, credit counseling and restructuring, identity theft and a road side assistance program. This plan is priced per household at a very low monthly rate.

This is a wonderful option for people in today's fast paced world. It combines some of today's various protection issues, and does it at a very affordable price. Each of these services can cost just as much to acquire, individually, as they do bundled into one neat little package that protects entire households, related or not. Now, that's a current day solution that works.

The Secure-Net plan will premier sometime in July, 2009. Keep an eye out for it's emergence. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

July Means Personal Protection

This coming July, (2009), Ameriplan USA is going to unveil it's Secure-Net plan. This is the first non-medical plan offered by this 20 year old iconic WAH company. With the onset of new technologies such as computers and cell phones, the risks that are being taken by people using personal information is astounding.
U.S. identity theft rose 23% in 2008 to 10.1 million reported cases. Identity theft was the top complaint to the FTC nine years in a row, making up 26% of all complaints. Identity theft victims spend, on average, 116 hours repairing the damage. It is estimated that 13 percent of all victims reported a family member or relative as the person responsible for misusing their personal information. 20 percent of identity theft victim information was misused through credit card fraud. The second-highest incidence of identity theft occurred through government documents/benefits fraud, at 15% of all complaints. Identity theft through tax fraud has risen 6% since 2006. 24 percent of identity theft victims were a part of Generation Y (ages 20-29).
More than 36 million Americans have been victims of identity theft in the last four years. The monies recovered by individual victims of identity theft dropped from 87% in 2005 to 61% in 2006. Lost or stolen laptops containing sensitive data can cost over $115,000 to a company in recovery efforts if a data breach goes undiscovered for at least a week. Data breaches increased 47% between 2007 and 2008, reaching 656 breaches in 2008 alone. Arizona has the highest identity theft rate per capita, followed by California and Florida.

The Secure Net plan will cover 4 basic personal protection needs:
1. Identity theft
2. Lawyer services (over 140,000 attorneys nationwide)
3. Road-side assistance
4. Credit repair and other financial services

Members will get all 4 Programs for only $24.95/month Total !!! So, keep a look out on my blog or my websites for this fantastic opportunity to get yourself and your family excellent coverage on personal protection.

For healthcare plans, please visit
For work at home opportunity with this company, please visit